This auction features Heavy Equipment, Vehicles, Trucks and Miscellaneous Equipment
Warning: These are real and actual government surplus online auctions. You MUST be 18 years old with a valid drivers license to create an account to bid on these auctions. You will be issued a 5-digit government bidding number after you create an account and pay your bidders deposit. Click on login/register to login (existing users) or register for an account.
This website is monitored regularly for any fraudulent activity and information. All fraudulent activity is reported to our local law enforcement agencies.
The terms for this auction are listed under the "Terms" tab.
It is the policy of Monmouth County that no County official, County employee or member of their immediate households or families shall at any time participate in or make a purchase from any auction conducted by Monmouth County for the sale of vehicles or property owned by Monmouth County. No one may participate in or make a purchase from any auction conducted by Monmouth County for the sale of vehicles or property owned by Monmouth County if they are acting on behalf of a County Official, County employee or member of their immediate households or families. By placing a bid, you certify that you are: NOT a Monmouth County Official NOT a Monmouth County Employee NOT a member of their households or immediate families NOT a third party acting on their behalf.
Special Notice: "The Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office reserves the right to reject any bid placed by or on behalf of anyone who previously had an ownership interest in the property being auctioned, which prior interest was legally extinguished through the civil forfeiture process pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:64-1 et seq.â€
Special Notice: The Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office reserves the right to accept or reject, in its sole discretion, the highest bid placed in connection with any item listed for auction. Should the highest bid be rejected, the Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office reserves the right to relist the item for auction in the future
Terms and Conditions for Online Auction Registration: Bidder and Auctioneer agree that the terms listed below shall govern the online auction sale. All bidders participating in this auction agree that they have read and fully understand these terms and agree to be bound thereby. All bidders are required to electronically register for bidding on this site. All registration information the Bidder provides to the Auctioneer shall be current, complete and accurate. Bidders must be 18 years of age or older. If applicable, State and local Sales tax will be charged unless the auctioneer is presented with a valid exempt use or resale certificate. All sales are subject to appropriate State Tax Laws; Buyer must acknowledge and agree not to retract the purchase offer. When Bidder places a bid on an auction being operated by Auction Liquidation Services; Bidder is entering into a contractual agreement with the Owner/Seller. Therefore, unless Bidder intends on being legally obligated to purchase the item(s) on which Bidder places a bid, Bidder should not place the bid. If Bidder does place a bid and fails to comply with the contractual agreement, Bidder agrees to be subject to the laws of the State of New Jersey, County of Monmouth. All bids are binding, even if outbid, until the transaction of the highest legitimate bidder is completed with the Seller/Owner. In the case that the highest bid is considered fraudulent or the high bidder defaults on their bid, the Owner/Seller will have the option of either selling to the next highest bidder, or canceling the auction. Auctions which close with a bid that is below the Reserve Price of an auction are the only exception to this policy, in which case neither the Owner/Seller nor the Bidder are obligated to complete the transaction normally.
Closing: This auction begins ending at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. The first item will close at 6:00 p.m.; the second item will close at 6:01 p.m.; the third item will close at 6:02 p.m. and so on until all items are closed. You will receive an email no later than the next business day if you are the winning bidder, with further instructions on how to make payments and where to pick up your items. We have a feature called extended bidding. This feature will leave the bidding open for 3 minutes on any item that has received a bid within the last minute from the last recorded bid time, even if the ending time has been reached. This feature has been added to eliminate sniping and to make the online bidding process more like a 'live' auction.
Payments: All payments are to be made at USGovBid in person at 300 Commerce Drive, 1st Floor, Tinton Falls, NJ 07753 by Cashier’s Check or Money Order made payable to: Auction Liquidation Services. There will be no Direct Deposits.
All payments must be made by Friday, May 10, 2024. If the item(s) are not paid by Friday, May 10, 2024, the County will impose a late fee of 2% of the sale price or $25.00 per business day.
Removal: Successful
bidders will be required to pick up their item(s) between Thursday, May 9, 2024 and Friday, May 10, 2024 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. (
· Mark Pajor at 732-431-7290 x7299 - for lot number series 100, 200, 300, 400
All titles and keys will be provided at the time of scheduled pick up. Titles will be filled out with the Registered Bidder’s information only. A paid receipt from USGovBid and identification will be required for all property picked up. All items must be removed no later than 3:00 p.m. on Friday, May 10, 2024.
The merchandise becomes the full responsibility of the Buyer at the time the Buyer takes possession, including all risks of loss and damage to merchandise. The Owner/Seller and Auctioneer agree that the merchandise may remain on the sale premises until October 20, 2023 (the "final removal date"). There will be (NO WEEKEND OR HOLIDAY) releases. After the final removal date, the Buyer will be liable for storage fees equal to 2% of the sale price per business day or $25.00 per business day, whichever is greater, until the merchandise is removed by the Buyer, for up to 10 business days.
If the merchandise is not removed within 10 business days of the final removal date, the Buyer will have defaulted, whereupon the Owner/Seller takes possession and may proceed to promptly re-sell the merchandise. If the Owner/Seller re-sells the merchandise, the Owner/Seller will have a claim against the Buyer for the amount bid by the Buyer, plus storage fees and costs of re-sale, less the re-sale price. The Buyer will also be liable for the costs of collection and attorney's fees equal to 20% of the claim prior to litigation and 30% of the claim if litigation is required, if the Owner retains an attorney to effect collection. The County may, in its discretion, extend the time for the pickup of any item, upon request.
The auction is being conducted by USGovBid/Auction Liquidation Services. In order to participate in the auction, bidders must first register on the auctioneer’s website at The County or the Auctioneer may bar a prospective bidder from participating in the on-line auction, for reasonable cause.
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